Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Introduction to Omega

Welcome to the news and update blog for the original story, Omega.

Omega has been my brainchild ever since I began to get serious about comic illustrations.  I've developed the plot, characters and overall design of the story since I was in 7th grade, though it has gone through many incarnations since its inception.

The story follows a young woman named Anna Darael, who was born in our world but it actually from a parallel earth, Omega.  Omega is similar to our world but instead of science or religious faith dominating society, Omegian culture is derived from magic and genetics.  People of Omega are born with a set of abilities, all that have been passed down familial lines for generations and these abilities fall into three distinct catergories: an ability to use ethereal magic, an ability to mentally connect with creatures, most namely dragons and abilities to use magic in a martial arts way (fighting, weaponry, etc).

Anna's everyday life is flipped upside when it is revealed to her that she is apart of this world rather than ours, and is encouraged by a pair of dragons to use a portal to go to Omega, and help restore the balance that was lost when her sister went to Omega 5 years before.  Reluctant at first, Anna decides, at the disagreement of her younger brother, Alex to locate the portal and move between worlds.

There Anna meets several people, all willing to help her find her place in her own world: Rage, a high court magician, Fiametta, a healer with a unique kindness and Ivory, a fiery martial artist looking to avenge her family.


I want to use this blog to give updates on the writing, character development and overall timeline of creating the world of Omega.  I will post writing, art, designs and possibly some trivia.  I also promise to have a better layout for this blog that has some art and a little me mixed into it, but we will work with this template for now.

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